Color Theory

Language: English

Instructors: Prakrathi Shenoy

Why this course?


Welcome to our Color Wheel Tutorial, where we will take you on a journey through the world of colors and their harmonious relationships. The color wheel is a fundamental tool used in various creative disciplines, such as art, design, photography, and more. In this tutorial, we will delve into the basics of the color wheel, its components, and how to use it effectively to create stunning and visually appealing compositions.

In this tutrorial, we will delve into the practical aspect of working with colors. Learn about color mixing techniques, warm and cool colors, complimentary colors etc. 

Practical Exercise and application:

Put your newfound knowledge to the test with hands-on exercises and creative projects. Experiment with different color combinations, create color mood boards, and design your own artwork using the color wheel principles you've learned. Here are some ideas for you to work on.

  • Mix and create new shades 
  • Paint artworks that have 2 complimentary colors
  • Create a shade card by mixing your own secondary colours (Ex: shades of greens without using the actual color green from your paint set)

With this tutorial, you possess a solid understanding of colors, color relationships, and how to use the color wheel effectively in your creative pursuits. Remember, colors are a powerful tool, and mastering their application will undoubtedly enhance your artistic endeavors. So, you can go forth, create, and let the colors of your imagination flourish!

See you in the tutorial!

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