Mushroom House

Language: English

Instructors: Prakrathi Shenoy

₹599 25.04% OFF



Why this course?


Welcome to my art space dear Artists,

Here is an interesting tutorial to paint a whimsical scene straight from the fairy realm. I hope you enjoy this cottage core painting of a mushroom house and creating wonderful effects using the properties of poster colors or gouache.

The instructions are very kids and beginner friendly and can be painted alog using either Poster Colors or Gouache  

In this tutorial I have used Camel Premium Poster colors - 20 shades

Through this tutorial you will learn to 

  • paint wet on wet style sky
  • paint glowing moon
  • paint different tectures, foliage, rocks, et

I hope you give this a try. Leave your questions, comments or feedback in the discussion section of this tutorial. Also, upload your artwork, I would love to see your masterpiece.

What you will need:

  • any set of gouache or poster paints 
  • a few flat and round brushes, liner brush, black waterproof pen
  • any paper of 200gsm and above 
  • masking tape, pencil, eraser, scale, water container, old rag

I wish you a fun and happy time painting!

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Warm Regards


Course Curriculum

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
